
WhatStore For store WhatsApp Stories

WhatStore Save WhatsApp Stories        Download this App from Follwing Url:-   The idea came  to me for create this app for Why we ask to someone for save the WhatsApp Stories. If we like the WhatsApp stories So we store it. Through this app you can save the whatsapp Stories and also share it with your friends.

Python Learn App

Learn Python New App Click here to Download app. In this app user learn Python Programming Language from Basic to Advanced Concept of Python Programming. This app contain following Topics:- Python Object and Data Structure Basics Python Comparison Operator Python Statements Methods and Functions Object Oriented Programming and Many More Topic like that.

Create First Android App in Kotlin

Hi I thought you all Intall the Android Studio. Make sure your Android Studio is latest version (3.0.1) This version of Android Studio support Kotlin language. Start Android Studio and select Start new Project.   Then add the Project name and selected the name of Company (or your name to give the unique identification of your project ) and then set the address of project you want to store and the select the kotlin support check box then click on Next Button. 3. In this Phase you select which android Platform your app support. Select  from the option and then press Next Button.  4. Now in this phase You select which type of Android application you want to create click on that type of application and then click on Next Button. 5. This is last phase where you can add the name of file and Click on Finish Button. After that IDE take time to setup your project and make make Regarding your Project. After Some time i...

Kotlin used In Android

Kotlin Android App Development Google Announced in 2017 I/O Kotlin Language is now fully support to Android App development. So who want to create Android Application but they don't know JAVA programming Language, they can move to kotlin language to create Android Application. And it is easier than JAVA language for developing Android Application. So the feature of kotlin Language for Android App development is following :- Lambda expression Inline Function Null Pointers Safety Smart Cast Range Expression Operator Overloading And so on. And also main important thing about Kotlin is it used less line of code accordingly to Java code. Main advantage of Kotlin language u can create Android application using less line of code as Compare to Java code. In my next Post we start learning kotlin language for Android Application development from scratch.

New Android Application I Recorder

Hello Guys this is new Application I Recorder in Play Store. You can record Audio and video through this App. You can Download it from PlayStore from here:-

Implement Click Listener on RecyclerView

In this post Implement click listener on RecyclerView I put the code after the RecyclerView setAdapter for click listener on RecyclerView following :- final GestureDetector mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(MainActivity.this, new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() { @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) { return true; } }); recyclerView.addOnItemTouchListener(new RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) { View child = recyclerView.findChildViewUnder(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (child != null && mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(e)) { int a=recyclerView.getChildPosition(child); Toast. makeText (MainActivity.this, fruit[a], Toast. LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); } return true; } @Override public void onTouchEvent(RecyclerView rv, MotionEvent e) { } @Override public v...

Implement RecyclerVIew in Android

First you can create new project in Android Studio. In this you can create one more xml file and java file. Because RecyclerView  Accept only RecyclerView adapter that why we create another file for REcyclerView Apter class.   After that open the build,gradle(Module:app) and add the following Dependency:-               compile '' After that add the RecyclerView Tag into avtivity_main.xml file between the Layout Tag likew that :-              < android :id= "@+id/recyclerView" android :layout_width= "match_parent" android :layout_height= "match_parent" /> Open the MainActivity file and declare the RecuclerView and assign the Id to the variable. Now i show you the code in MainActivity.class file  following :- public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { //Decl...
