- This is the first program to learn Java language. You know that Java is purely OOPS base language. That means in Java Language all work in the classes.
- To copy the code and paste it to your Notepad and save the file with the class name which contain the main method.
For Example:- In my class demo public static void main method is the main method to of my class demo.
- Now I explain the program
- Firstly we create a class with class name. For creating a class we use class keyword. make sure the class keyword is small letters then provide a class name according to you.
- After that in the class we create a main method.
- In Java we create a main method like that in the above pic public static void main(String args[]){}
- In this main method work similarly main method work in C++.
- And to show the output on the console we write System.out.println();
- This System.out.println() command is similar cout in the C++ .
- We write any thing into the parenthesis brackets with double quotes.
- Firstly make sure in your computer Java JDK (Java Development Kit) and JRE (Java Runtime Environment ) install.
- After that open the command prompt. Click Start->type cmd-> then press Enter.
- In
the cmd prompt then go to that folder in which your file is save with
java extension. usind cd command. e.g. cd desktop press Enter.
- Then compile the program with javac command.
- If you get an error to resolve it to click here
- This command compile the program and generate the class file automatically.
- And now the run program with java command like that:-
- I hope you really enjoy it. HAPPY CODING
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